Thanks to James and Lauren for the toys for Mollie! She loves playing with them!
Every day of life is a celebration; especially here in Preschool! I hope you enjoy watching your children grow each day. -Mrs. Croxford
Monday, December 21, 2009
Winter Party
Thanks to James and Lauren for the toys for Mollie! She loves playing with them!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
A Birthday and Reindeer Antlers
Today was James’ birthday!
Thanks for the yummy cupcakes! We hope your day was special!
Lauren brought the class reindeer antlers.
How cute!
Tomorrow is our play and party! We’ve worked so hard. I can’t wait!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Christmas Art
We practiced hard for our play today! The kids look adorable. As tempted as I am to post pictures, I cannot spoil the surprise!
The morning kids had the choice to work on Christmas crafts during centers.
Red and green bracelets…
Hand and foot reindeer…
…And decorating paper gingerbread men!
The afternoon class had PE, so they will be able to do these tomorrow!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
All About the Letter L!
We colored pictures of words that begin with L!
We also made Ls with lady bugs on them!
Tyler had fun making shapes on the geo-board. And check out that awesome painting in the background created by Conner during centers! I love it!
I’m so excited for tomorrow! We’ll be working on The Mitten!
Monday, December 14, 2009
On a Gingerbread Hunt!
We started our day by coloring and cutting out gingerbread men.
We placed the gingerbread men on a magic cookie sheet…
As a class, we walked up to the kitchen and the cooks put our cookies in the oven!
Mrs. Sexton read The Gingerbread Baby while I checked on our cookies…but the cookies were gone!!! The cooks said they saw all the cookies running out of the kitchen but the little cookie men were too quick to catch!
So we went on a hunt! We checked in the office…in the library…we asked everyone we saw…
…And guess where we found them! Right back in the kitchen.
And they had turned into REAL gingerbread cookies!
So we did the only logical thing we could think to do…We decorated them…
…And ate them for snack! Yummy!
Another adventurous day at WB Preschool!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Christmas Cards!
Moms and Dads, we made you Christmas cards today. We hope you like them! We worked so hard on coloring, cutting and pasting!
Jack came wearing his Santa Claus hat! What fun!
Have a delightful weekend!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Reading Buddies
Our Peanuts read with the 4th and 5th graders today!
They read us Christmas stories!
The kids had a really good time and it was adorable to see how the older kids took care of our Peanuts.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
The Night Before Christmas
Today we read The Night Before Christmas and pointed out the rhyming words!
Then each kid colored their own book! If you don’t already have a copy of The Night Before Christmas , you can read this one with your child! The Peanuts were really excited about it.
We also sent home magic keys that the kids made!
Leah is Snoopy Student of the Week and Mrs. Maddox came to read to us. We loved her book about the dogs! Thanks Mrs. Maddox!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Christmas Caroling!
We had so much fun caroling around the school!
The Peanuts did such a great job.
Both classes earned their gifts to give to St. Louis Children’s Hospital!
I’m so proud of you kiddos! You are learning how great it is to give gifts.
We also made cards for the kids at the hospital.
What a fun day! We love this time of year!
Monday, December 7, 2009
The Letter Kk
Today we found words that begin with Kk! We made a book page for our Preschool Books about what our perfect Kindergarten would be like.
A teacher donated star ships for us to play with!
During centers, Katherine put the pet puzzle together all by herself! Great job, Katherine!
We’re getting ready for Christmas. Last Friday, we made reindeer ornaments for our parents!
We know you’ll love them!