It’s Evan’s 5th birthday today. Happy Birthday, Evan!
Lily brought us caterpillars! We get to watch them grow and transform into butterflies.
Mrs. Rice came to teach us how to be a team.
Every day of life is a celebration; especially here in Preschool! I hope you enjoy watching your children grow each day. -Mrs. Croxford
It’s Evan’s 5th birthday today. Happy Birthday, Evan!
Lily brought us caterpillars! We get to watch them grow and transform into butterflies.
Mrs. Rice came to teach us how to be a team.
Sophie’s grandma came to read to us today!
We had doughnuts for Sophie’s 5th birthday!
We pretended that aliens came to our playground!
Lily brought her twin sisters for show-and-tell:)
We started our new unit on Outer Space today!
We made aliens for our ceiling…
And planets, too!
We can read in the rocket ship…
Play with a space station kit…
Dig for aliens on the Rice Planet…
Color space ships, aliens, and astronauts…
Write outer space words or use magnets to spell them…
And play outer space math games!
Of course, we can still play at Peppermint Patty’s.
Sophie is Snoopy’s Student this week.
We had so much fun at our spring party!
We played Stick the Bug on the Flower…
We planted flowers…
And we made caterpillars!
We also heard lots of fun stories.
Snack time was fantastic!
Easter cookies and apples!
After that, we played spring bingo!
Thanks to all the moms for making this party so special! And a HUGE thanks to Emma’s mom for planning our party! Happy Easter, Peanuts!
We went on lots of egg hunts last week.
We’re getting better and better at learning our color sight words!
We also went for a nature walk…
And made a book about what we saw!